Carbon filters

A carbon filter is available in several different options. They are often used as technical solutions in air conditioning, exhaust systems, recirculation systems, ventilation systems and filtration systems for restaurant and catering industries and other places where odor problems can be an issue.


Common to carbon filters from konfAir is that they contain activated carbon, which has a unique ability to capture and remove odor problems and toxins from the air around us. This is due to the structure of the small pieces of activated carbon, which have a large surface area - 1 gram of activated carbon can have a surface area of up to 1000 m2.


How do I choose the right carbon filter for my customer?

At konfAir, we have many years of experience in choosing the right carbon filter suitable for the surrounding environment. We have some in-depth questions and ask you to provide the dimensions of the current filter, so that together we can find the most efficient and energy-optimized filter for your customer.

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